Getting rid of fleas is a complex process that calls for both patience and dedication.
The probability of turning out successful in the whole process is determined by factors such as level of infestation, availability of hiding places, participation from other household occupants and whether your neighbours are also affected.
However, this does not mean you relent. To some people, it takes only a few weeks to completely get rid of these pesky pests. To others, it takes some months. It can also take a lifetime. What matters is the level of smartness and the efficiency of the control mechanism you employ.
In a homestead environment, what you normally see jumping from one place to another is only 5% of the total flea population. A good number of them lurk in cracks, crevices and dark corners of your house.
For pet owners, the fur of your feline or canine is their kingdom. Here are some of the key places in the homestead that you need to give more attention to sustainably and effectively get rid of the acrobatic pests.
How to Get Rid of Fleas in Your Home?
Inside your home provide an ideal microclimate that encourages the reproduction and growth of fleas. In cold seasons the pests normally migrate indoors in search of warmth. Your rooms hoard 95% of the total flea population.
Getting rid of fleas inside your room starts with identifying their hideouts. Popular places to look out for include; walls, bedding, under the beds, carpets, area rugs, furniture and floors.
Remove and Wash the Bedding
Start with emptying your rooms. Remove the upholstery and the bedding. Then, use hot water to soak and wash the materials. Finally, dry the furniture and apply an appropriate flea spray.
Hot water kills flea larvae and pupa. On the other hand, flea sprays deal primarily with the adult pests.
Vacuum the Carpet, Floors and Heavy Upholstery
Remove the vacuum bag and insert a new one. Then, use the appliance over places such as the furniture, carpet and uncovered spots on the floor. Make sure to touch every place. On the carpet, give close attention to dark spots and places where your pet rests frequently.
Do not leave under the carpet and furniture. Otherwise, once you are through, do not let the captured pests out of your vacuum bag. Carefully, remove the bag, fold and burn it.
Fine ground salt or baking soda dehydrate fleas. Prior to vacuuming, apply some salt evenly over your rug, carpet and furniture. Make sure that they lurk deep inside. Rest for 1-2 days before thoroughly vacuuming every single speck.
Spray Carpets, Area Rugs, Walls, Floors and the Furniture
Insecticides such as diatomaceous earth or natural sprays made from lemon juice, herbs and plants such as rosemary help a great deal. They not only repel but also kill fleas in their larval and adult stages.
Using a sprayer, dampen the upholstery, rugs and carpet and leave them to dry. Make sure to spray the cracks and crevices on the floors and walls. Otherwise, you can try out some other artificial sprays to wind up the whole process.
How to Get Rid of Fleas in Your Yard?
Fleas love outdoor places such as patios and yard more so during the warm summer seasons. Heavy yard infestations may be as a result of the availability of shaded areas that are cool and moist. The tiny pests also prefer shrubs, trees, leaves and grassy spots.
Once you have ascertained the existence of the pests and determined their main resting place, prepare the spots for the task at hand. Start with sweeping around your yard while collecting debris and piles of wood in the vicinity. Do not throw away the collected debris. Rather, set them on fire to exterminate fleas that may have clung on them.
Then, using an appropriate insecticide, treat your yard against the pests. Make sure to focus on the fleas spots you had identified. In fact, with a large yard, you may not need to treat all the places since that is not only time consuming but also pricey. Exempt open grasses and areas that are vulnerable to the scorching sun.
For the places around your dog’s house, kennel and any other resting place, make sure to use a non-toxic sprayer. You don’t want to intoxicate your pets. Otherwise, the three places are the most important spots to consider in your yard treatment checklist.
That’s not all. Once you are through with the spraying, go ahead and flood the yard. This helps in exterminating the fleas larvae and eggs. Hose down the grass lawns and garden bed until they become slightly damp or flooded.
Give the yard sometimes–two days are enough–and recheck it for fleas infestation. If at all you still notice the presence of the small pests, go and shop for Diatomaceous Earth for fleas. This pesticide comes in the form of fine dust made from fossilized algae that are free from toxins. Using the appropriate garden tool, spread the pesticide over the lawn and other heavily infested areas in your yard.
Diatomaceous Earth should help you with getting rid of all the pests. If it fails, then your last option is to use the beneficial nematode in your yard. These worms normally search for fleas and naturally avenge on them. They are harmless to both plants and animals.
How to Get Rid of Fleas on Your Pets?
Pets carry the bulk of fleas around a homestead. The small pests reside in the fur coats of cats, dogs, puppies and kittens. They can easily be spotted jumping from one place to another more so when the pets are in their resting place.
Besides, you can know whether your pet is infested from how he behaves. An infected cat or dog will bite, nibble or scratch its body. It may also become depressed. This is due to the intense irritation that the small pests cause on their body.
Getting rid of pet fleas starts with keeping their immediate environment sparkling clean and fleas-free. Wash the bedding and use a non-toxic spray over them. Then, proceed and clean his kennel, house or room and use an appropriate spray over it. Once you have done this, go for a flea shampoo and spray for cats or dogs. You can consult your vet over an appropriate type of shampoo or spray to use.
Heat some hot water and leave it to cool to a temperature of about 96.8 to 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Entice, catch and submerge your pet inside the water, with the butt first, leaving out only the head. Inside the water, most fleas will drown, suffocate and die. You will observe some of them trying to move towards the pet’s face. Make sure that all of them drown.
Proceed and apply the flea shampoo over every single part of your pet’s body. Concentrate on the armpit, belly and tail. Then, re-submerge the pet inside the water and rinse it clean. After this, use a towel to dry its fur and apply an appropriate flea powder.
Other than being nuisance creatures, fleas are stubborn. Just a single day is not enough to exterminate all of them in your home. You must consistently check them out and ascertain whether your efforts bore fruits or not.
Otherwise, you will need to repeat the aforementioned processes even ten times before all the pests breath their last.